You are invited to sponsor the 2025 CHCollective Purchasing Summit & Reverse Expo
CHCollective is excited to invite you, as a Vizient contracted supplier, to sponsor the upcoming 2025 CHCollective Purchasing Summit & Reverse Expo on Nov. 10th – 13th, 2025, at the AC Hotel Fort Worth, Texas.
The CHCollective Purchasing Summit & Reverse Expo is the only conference for Community Health Centers focused on supply chain management and purchasing.
CHCollective is Provista’s primary channel focused on serving America’s Community Health Centers. With over 1,000 of the 1,500 health center systems in Provista membership designated to CHCollective, CHCollective works with a majority of the nation’s CHCs.
Why Sponsor?
This is a unique event that provides access to the health center market. With its reverse expo, health centers themselves staff booths in the expo hall allowing sponsors to meet directly with CEOs, CFOs, finance, operations, and purchasing staff from health centers across the nation.
The Summit has a culture of collaboration and invites sponsors to participate in the conference as attendees. Without sponsors like you, this unique event is not possible!
The health center market is robust:
- There are nearly 1,500 health center systems operating in 15,000 locations across the country – health centers operate in every state and territory.
- Community Health Centers care for 32.5 million patients or 1 in 10 Americans.
- Health centers offer a variety of services: primary care, dental, vision, and behavioral health.
- Community Health Centers employ more than 310,000 Americans including 144,000 medical professionals.
Reverse Expo
A unique aspect of the CHCollective Purchasing Summit is its reverse expo. In a reverse expo, conference attendees (e.g., health center employees) staff the exhibit booth in the expo hall while conference sponsors file through and visit the booths.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
CHCollective offers various sponsorship levels, including additional options such as Breakfast, Lunch, Coffee Visibility, WiFi, Lanyard, and Reception sponsorships. Custom packages are also available to meet your specific marketing objectives.